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  • Plan for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Work – MIELI 2009
    The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland has published the proposals of the Mieli 2009 (Mind 2009) working group that was appointed to develop proposals for mental health and substance abuse work in years to come. The plan outlines the core principles and priorities for the future of mental health and substance abuse work until 2015, starting from the premise that these issues play a major role in public health. For the first time in Finland, this plan is setting joint objectives for this work at the national level.
  • Mental Illness Costs Economy $51 billion per Year in Sick Days - Companies Advised to Invest in Intervention, Support Services
    Mental illness is linked to more lost work days than any other chronic condition, costing the Canadian economy $51 billion a year in lost productivity, according to a new report.

    Researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) looked at the cost of mental health leaves from employers' point of view and found that covering a mental-health leave costs companies twice as much as a short-term physical disability leave.
  • ProMenPol Newsletter No.12 Now Available
    The 12th ProMenPol Newsletter, December 2009 edition, is now available for downloading in PDF format.
  • John Henderson - A True Champion and Friend
    In early January we heard the sad news the Dr. John Henderson, a member of the ProMenPol project team whom many of you will have known and respected, died on the 4th January. John passed away peacefully at home, in the company of his family, and after a characteristically determined and dignified fight with cancer.
  • Working our Way to Better Mental Health: A Framework for Action
    Mental ill-health presents a major challenge to the well-being of our society, and the strength of our economy. It blights lives, traps people in poverty and prevents the country harnessing the talents and potential of hundreds of thousands of people. Government is determined to lead the way in meeting this challenge.

    Poor mental health is very common. At any one time, one in three of our working-age population may be experiencing some kind of distress or mental health condition such as depression. The vast majority, fortunately, will recover quickly. But for far too many, the result is a lengthy sickness absence or long-term unemployment.

    Indeed mental ill-health is now the most common reason for claiming health-related benefits and 86 per cent remain on the benefits for more than three months (compared to 76 per cent for all other claimants). And the evidence shows that the longer people are detached from the labour market, the less chance they have of returning to work.

    This is even more of a risk when, as now, global economic problems are pushing up jobless figures around the world. We have learnt from past recessions of the real danger of short-term job loss turning into permanent unemployment and are determined not to repeat these mistakes.

    The positive link between employment and mental health is absolutely clear. Research shows people generally enjoy better mental health when they are in work. In contrast, the longer individuals are absent or out of work, the more likely they are to experience depression or anxiety. Work can therefore play a vital role in improving everyone’s well-being and mental health.

    Of this we estimate around one third - £30-40 billion – can be attributed to mental ill-health, in lost production, and National Health Service (NHS) treatment. And it does not count the additional and hidden cost of people with mental health conditions still in jobs but working beneath their full potential.

    A modern economy cannot afford such waste of individual talent nor the high welfare costs. We are determined to step up our efforts to support people in work and to help those out of work to return quickly to fulfilling and rewarding employment.