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Health Promotion Circles at the Workplace

Mental Health Promotion and Protection Categories (MHP)


Or1 - Policies

Or11 - Health and Safety [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Or11.1 Stress Prevention
Selected Or11.3 Occupational Health
Selected Or11.4 Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment
Or12 - Health Promotion Policy
Code Element
Selected Or12.1 Mental
Selected Or12.2 Physical (e.g. Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Recreation)
Or16 - Human Resource Policies
Code Element
Selected Or16.1 Work-Life Balance Policy
Selected Or16.2 Age Management Policy
Selected Or16.3 Broad Focus Absenteeism Policy
Selected Or16.4 Return to Work/School Policy
Selected Or16.5 Disability Management Policy

Or2 - Enablers

Or23 - Management Style
Code Element
Selected Or23.1 Participative
Selected Or23.2 Supportive
Selected Or23.5 Management Leadership of MHP
Or24 - Staff
Code Element
Selected Or24.1 Roles and Responsibilities
Selected Or24.4 Attitudes
Selected Or24.6 Commitment and Resources
Selected Or24.7 Partnerships - Management and Staff
Selected Or24.8 Involvement in Change

Or3 - Processes/ Implementation

Or31 - Organisational Processes [General Reference]
Code Element
Or32 - Health Promotion Processes
Code Element
Selected Or32.1 Health Needs Assessment
Selected Or32.2 Health Planning
Selected Or32.3 Evaluation of Health Promotion Actions
Selected Or32.4 Risk Assessment
Selected Or32.9 Marketing of MHP

Or4 - Performance/ Outcomes

Or42 - Organisational Benefits
Code Element
Selected Or42.1 Organisational Performance
Or43 - Individual Benefits [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Or43.1 Beneficiary Wellbeing
Selected Or43.2 Individual Performance
Selected Or43.7 Job Satisfaction
Or44 - Social Benefits
Code Element
Selected Or44.2 Mutual Support
Selected Or44.3 Social Integration

En1 - Infrastructure

En11 - Physical Environment
Code Element
Selected En11.1 Buildings
Selected En11.2 Exposures
En12 - Facilities
Code Element
Selected En12.2 Provision of Health Promotion Facilities
En14 - Workstations
Code Element
Selected En14.1 Physical Ergonomics

Pr1 - Generic Programmes

Pr11 - Physical Health Promotion Programmes
Code Element
Selected Pr11.4 Health and Safety Interventions
Pr12 - Occupational Health Programmes [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Pr12.1 Anti - Bullying, - Harassment - Abuse
Pr13 - Mental Health Promotion Programmes
Code Element
Selected Pr13.3 Stress Management & Prevention