03/12/2010 - Submitted by: Lassander Maarit

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland has published the proposals of the Mieli 2009 (Mind 2009) working group that was appointed to develop proposals for mental health and substance abuse work in years to come. The plan outlines the core principles and priorities for the future of mental health and substance abuse work until 2015, starting from the premise that these issues play a major role in public health. For the first time in Finland, this plan is setting joint objectives for this work at the national level. The focus is on strengthening the service user status by equal treatment and access to services, promoting mental health and freedom from substance abuse, prevention and treatment of problems and adverse effects and providing services for all age groups. New key policy definitions for service system development include the principle of low-threshold single entry points for access to treatment at social and health centres, and the introduction of integrated community care for mental health and substance abuse services. The plan is concluded with a presentation of the steering tools necessary for the implementation. The complete list of proposals and their justification can be accessed in http://info.stakes.fi/mielijapaihde/EN/index.htm

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