28/09/2009 - Submitted by: Tilia Bousios

Publisher: PROMENPOL Consortium

The 2009 ProMenPol Conference

The Final ProMenPol Conference will take place in Berlin on October 8th and 9th 2009 at the BAuA premises. This Conference will be bigger than in previous years and will bring together a wider range of practitioners and policy makers from all three settings (schools, workplaces and older peoples’ residences) than before. In addition, this year’s conference will be joined by members of the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion, which will launch a new project on Mental Health Promotion in the Workplace.

The major theme of the 2009 Conference will be to explore the interface between policy and practice in mental health promotion. This exploration will be undertaken through a series of presentations, and workshops which have the aim of bringing together people from both perspectives to allow them to exchange practical views and realities.

The Conference will see the launch of a final version of the ProMenPol toolkit and database. These have been redesigned to enhance both the functionality of the toolkit in terms of the information provided on each tool and also in terms of its ease of use.

The Conference will also present the findings from the PromenPol field trials that have been undertaken. We will hear presentations from some of the people who undertook the field trials and the project team will also present an overview of the lessons to be learned from them.

The 2009 Conference promises to be an interesting and lively event and the ProMenPol team look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Berlin.

The Future of ProMenPol

The ProMenPol project will come to an end in December of this year. During its life, the project has achieved many things both at a technical level and at the level of developing a mental health promotion network within the project. The project team believe that these achievements are considerable and that it would be a pity to let them finish at project end. We are therefore committed to maintaining these achievements into the future and to building on them.

The project team has been successful in acquiring new projects in the area of mental health promotion. While these projects will enable the ProMenPol material to be developed further, especially in relation to training, they will not be able to support all of the functions of ProMenPol.

However, we would like to explore further with you ways in which the ProMenPol can be carried forward. This will be done at the conference and during the final months of the project.

The Mental Health Pact

There have been many developments in relation to the Mental Health Pact in recent months. In particular, dates and venues have been set for 4 of the 5 thematic conferences to be held to support the Pact. These will take place on:

If you would like to know more about these conferences, go to: http://www.ec-mental-health-process.net/implementation.html

As part of the Pact’s activities, it will develop a database of good practices which will be made available online through the Pact website.

Updates to the User Interface of the ProMenPol Database

The ProMenPol database has undergone some significant user interface changes which should help the user even more in reviewing the database, adding tools and retrieving relevant information. Additionally, all the tools have been adopted to the updated ICF and MHP Structuring. We encourage you all to review your tools and in addition take the opportunity to review the new user interface changes.

Review of the ProMenPol Toolkit

In the last issue of the ProMenPol Newsletter, it was promised that the updates to the ProMenPol toolkit and database would be ready in early summer of this year. Unfortunately, the process of redesign has taken somewhat longer than expected and the redesigned toolkit and database will not be fully ready until November.

When it is finished, the updates will incorporate:

However, by the time of the conference, the generic toolkit will be available.

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