Full View | Selected Criteria

Tool Information
Title Listen to Us: Involving People with Dementia in Planning and Developing Services
Settings Residence for Older People
MHP Steps Preparation
URL http://www.olderpeoplesmentalhealth.csip.org.uk/
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Languages English
Tool Description This Executive Summary provides a brief overview of the main messages from a service development guide. The guide was produced by Dementia North as part of a Department of Health funded development project to explore how people with dementia can be involved in service planning and development.
Application in the Field General use in one country
Tool mainly used in United Kingdom
Stage of Development Recently produced(2-3 years)
Evaluation and Research No information found
Beneficiary Involvement in Design No reference to active participation
Evaluation No
Available Formats Soft Copy | Online
Free Yes
Restrictions on Use No
Tool Focus Organisation
Tool Type Guidelines Codes of Practice
  1. Listen to Us: Involving People with Dementia in Planning and Developing Services - 237 KB
Contact Details
Contact Name Caroline Cantley, Janet Woodhouse, Monica Smith
Organisation Name Dementia North
Telephone 1912156110
Address Allendale House, Northumbria University, Coach Lane , Newcastle
Country United Kingdom

ICF Core Set

ICF - Core Set

b - Body Functions [General Reference]
Code Element
d - Activities and Participation [General Reference]
Code Element
e - Environmental Factors
Code Element
Selected e310, e315, e320, e325, e330, e340, e355, e360 Physical and Emotional Support
Selected e410, e415, e420, e425, e430, e440, e450,e455 Attitudes of individuals
Selected e525, e530, e570, e575 Services, Systems and Policies - Housing, Utilities, General Social Support
Selected e580 Health Services, Systems and Policies
Selected e585 Education and Training Services, Systems and Policies
ICD10 - ICD10
Code Element
Selected F00-F09 Organic & Neurological (Dementia in Alzheimers Disease)

Mental Health and Promotion Categories

Or1 - Policies

Or11 - Health and Safety [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Or11.1 Stress Prevention
Or12 - Health Promotion Policy [General Reference]
Code Element
Or13 - Quality Systems [General Reference]
Code Element
Or14 - Values & Ethics [General Reference]
Code Element
Or15 - Training and Development [General Reference]
Code Element

Or2 - Enablers

Or21 - Ethos/ Culture [General Reference]
Code Element
Or24 - Staff [General Reference]
Code Element

Or3 - Processes/ Implementation

Or31 - Organisational Processes [General Reference]
Code Element
Or32 - Health Promotion Processes
Code Element
Selected Or32.1 Health Needs Assessment
Selected Or32.2 Health Planning
Selected Or32.9 Marketing of MHP

Or4 - Performance/ Outcomes

Or41 - Health Benefits [General Reference]
Code Element
Or42 - Organisational Benefits [General Reference]
Code Element
Or43 - Individual Benefits [General Reference]
Code Element
Or44 - Social Benefits [General Reference]
Code Element

En1 - Infrastructure

En11 - Physical Environment [General Reference]
Code Element

En2 - Social Networks

En22 - Family [General Reference]
Code Element
En24 - Teachers or Carers
Code Element
Selected En24.1 Programme to Support Teachers or Carers

En3 - External Environment

En31 - External Resources [General Reference]
Code Element
En32 - Public Policies
Code Element
Selected En32.1 Health and Safety
Selected En32.3 Quality Standards
Selected En32.6 Welfare (Social Security)
Selected En32.7 Environmental

Pr1 - Generic Programmes

Pr11 - Physical Health Promotion Programmes [General Reference]
Code Element
Pr13 - Mental Health Promotion Programmes
Code Element
Selected Pr13.3 Stress Management & Prevention
Selected Pr13.4 Mental Health Education, Raising Awareness
Selected Pr13.5 Destigmatisation
Pr14 - Participation Programmes [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Pr14.1 Orientation and Induction
Selected Pr14.2 Social Support
Selected Pr14.3 Social & Leisure Activities
Pr17 - Life Long Learning & Training Programmes [General Reference]
Code Element

Pr2 - Targeted Programmes

Pr21 - Diversity Groups [General Reference]
Code Element
Pr23 - Situational Groups
Code Element
Selected Pr23.8 People with Special Requirements or Disabilities
Selected Pr23.9 People Experiencing Illness

Pr3 - Programmes for at Risk Individuals

Pr31 - Capacity Building [General Reference]
Code Element
Pr32 - Support Programmes
Code Element
Selected Pr32.6 Adjustments and Accommodations
Pr33 - At Risk Group Screening [General Reference]
Code Element