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European Methodology for Workplace Health Promotion

Mental Health Promotion and Protection Categories (MHP)


Or2 - Enablers

Or23 - Management Style [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Or23.1 Participative
Selected Or23.2 Supportive
Selected Or23.3 Partnerships
Selected Or23.5 Management Leadership of MHP
Or24 - Staff [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Or24.6 Commitment and Resources
Selected Or24.7 Partnerships - Management and Staff
Selected Or24.8 Involvement in Change

Or3 - Processes/ Implementation

Or32 - Health Promotion Processes [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Or32.1 Health Needs Assessment
Selected Or32.2 Health Planning
Selected Or32.3 Evaluation of Health Promotion Actions
Selected Or32.4 Risk Assessment
Selected Or32.9 Marketing of MHP

Or4 - Performance/ Outcomes

Or43 - Individual Benefits [General Reference]
Code Element
Selected Or43.1 Beneficiary Wellbeing
Selected Or43.2 Individual Performance
Selected Or43.3 Motivation
Selected Or43.6 Attendance
Selected Or43.7 Job Satisfaction
Or44 - Social Benefits
Code Element
Selected Or44.1 Staff, Student or Client Morale
Selected Or44.2 Mutual Support

Pr1 - Generic Programmes [General Reference]

Pr2 - Targeted Programmes [General Reference]

Pr3 - Programmes for at Risk Individuals [General Reference]