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Results 371 to 380 out of 451.

  • Health Visitors
    The Family and Parenting Institute believes that health visitors are the key to effective early intervention. In our report we argue for a well-funded, well-trained universal health visitor service available to all parents of children under five, with specialist support for the most vulnerable families. They want (i) a universal health visitor service with an intensive service for parents who will benefit most, (ii) a preventative health visitor service – the key to unlocking support for vulnerable families who are still missing out, and (iii) a well-trained health visitor service with a clearly defined role and a better career structure. Setting: Bildung/Erziehung
    MHP Steps: Vorbereitung
  • NASP Toolkit - School-Based Mental Health: From Research to Practice: Information and Resources You Can Use
    " The best in NASP resources related to school-based mental health—all organized on one convenient CD! Mental health underlies all aspects of children’s learning and development. School-based mental health professionals must be able to address a broad spectrum of student needs, ranging from prevention and wellness to behavior problems and mental health disorders. Affordable, practical, and comprehensive, the NASP Toolkit: School-Based Mental Health includes over 130 relevant chapters, articles, and handouts from NASP print and online resources, including our bestselling reference books, peer-reviewed periodicals, practice-oriented products, and award-winning website. See a full list of source materials here. Communication and advocacy resources will help you collaborate with educators and families. " Setting: Bildung/Erziehung
    MHP Steps: Durchführung/ Intervention | Bedarfsanalyse/ Planung
  • Involving Individual Older Patients and their Carers in the Discharge Process from Acute to Community Care: Implications for Intermediate Care
    A SCIE Research briefing provides up-to-date information on a particular topic. It is a concise document summarising the knowledge base in a particular area and is intended as a 'launch pad’ or signpost to more in-depth investigation or enquiry. It is not a definitive statement of all evidence on a particular issue. The briefing is divided into the different types of knowledge relevant to health and social care research and practice, as defined by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) (1). It is intended to help health and social care practitioners and policy-makers in their decision-making and practice. The topic of this briefing is the involvement of individual patients and carers in the process of assessment and discharge to community care, especially intermediate care. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Vorbereitung
  • Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being of Students in Further Education - A Scoping Study
    The study looks at pupils that are leaving a school and who are entering further or higher education. These are stressfull times. Thus, the study explored how to promote positive mental health and emotional well-being and responses on mental health problems by institutions. Setting: Bildung/Erziehung
    MHP Steps: Vorbereitung
  • Attitudes and Images of Ageing
    This learning object is about ways in which people's experience of ageing and mental health are shaped by society's attitudes to older people and later life. You will consider the way age-related images and ideas, displayed in the media and in everyday language, shape our perceptions; but also what we know about older people's own attitudes and aspirations. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Durchführung/ Intervention
  • An Introduction to Mental Health and Older People
    In this learning object you will have the chance to explore the nature and characteristics of the ageing population in the UK, what being 'old' means, and some of the complexity surrounding the concept of 'mental health'. As this learning object presents basic facts and concepts surrounding mental health and older people, we recommend that you use this object to introduce yourself to this area. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Vorbereitung
  • Activity Provision - Benchmarking Good Practice in Care Homes
    Evidence shows that providing a range of activities within care homes can improve residents’ quality of life. As the number of older people increases, and growing numbers reside in care homes, the challenge becomes even more urgent. The provision of meaningful activity at a level appropriate to the individual’s abilities and needs is a complex business. This publication will assist in meeting this challenge. It outlines and describes ‘good’ activity provision within care homes for older people. Setting: Ältere Menschen in ihrem Lebensumfeld
    MHP Steps: Follow-Up/ Evaluation | Bedarfsanalyse/ Planung
  • Anti-Depressant Skills at Work
    The Antidepressant Skills at Work Manual is aimed at: - Working people with low mood who may be at risk for developing depression. - Working people who have developed a mild or major depression. - Individuals who have been off work for a period of time. - Partners, family members, friends or workplace colleagues who want to help. - Employers, supervisors or managers concerned about their staff. - Professionals who would like a tool to use as an adjunct to their clinical treatment. It focuses on ways to deal with workplace problems so they are less likely to cause depressed mood or lead to depression. In addition it is concerned with reducing the effects of depression mood on work satisfaction and performance. Its contents include: - A description of depression, possible causes and options for treatment. - Three practical skills, based on scientific evidence, for dealing with depressed mood. Skills are presented in a step-by-step format. - Stories that show how working people might use these skills. - An overview of workplace issues that arise for people dealing with depression. Setting: Arbeitsplatz
    MHP Steps: Durchführung/ Intervention
  • The Mental Health Initiative:A Resource Manual for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention in Third Level Institutions
    This manual is a starting point for examining mental health promotion and suicide awareness within third level institutions. the issue of suicide prevention within the context of mental health. It includes templates for creating policies, protocols and training modules, and provides resources and contact details for information, support and research Setting: Bildung/Erziehung
  • Pragmatisches Management von Gesundheit und Sicherheit (PragMaGuS)
    Pragmagus ist ein Internetportal für Kleinunternehmen, die etwas für Gesundheit und Sicherheit bei der Arbeit tun wollen. Das Angebot beinhaltet die speziell an die Situation kleiner Unternehmen angepasste Gefährdungsbeurteilung („Gesunder Betrieb“) und richtet sich an Arbeitsgeber und Arbeitsnehmer. Neben Informationen zu verschiedenen Themen stehen diverse Arbeitshilfen und Formulare online zur Verfügung. Sowohl der Ablauf, als auch Tempo und Umsetzung der Maßnahmen (sowie deren Bestandsaufnahme) kann selbst bestimmt werden, da Pragmagus mit seinen Informationen und Handlungshilfen auf betriebliches "Selbermachen" ausgelegt ist. Falls gewünscht stehen die Partner eines lokalen Netzwerkes als Hilfestellung und Beratung zur Seite. Setting: Arbeitsplatz
    MHP Steps: Durchführung/ Intervention | Vorbereitung | Bedarfsanalyse/ Planung

Results 371 to 380 out of 451.