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16/08/2012 - Submitted by: Joerg Michel

Restructuring-processes can have negative effects on the health of workers. The upcoming book "Arbeitnehmer in Restrukturierungsprozessen – Gesundheit und Kompetenzen erhalten" (Workers in restructuring – maintaining health and competencies) discusses the consequences and opportunities for employees, facing restructuring in their organizations. The main focus lies on psychosocial risks and mental health of employees during and past phases of fundamental organizational change. Rena Hohenstein and Jörg Michel, representing the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in the Mental Health Promotion projects contributed the chapter "Neue Instrumente zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit in Restrukturierungsprozessen – organisationale Maßnahmen und individuelle Kompetenzentwickung" (New Instruments for Mental Health Promotion in restructuring – organisational measures and individual competencies). The article highlights how the ProMenPol-Database, the Mindhealth Learning Programme and the Mental Health Promotion handbooks can be used to maintain and foster the mental health of employees in change- and restructuring processes. The book is published by W.Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany and will be available from October 2012 (ISBN: 978-3-7639-4959-5).

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Joerg Michel


Joerg Michel, BAuA
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