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Europe's First Portal for Mental Health Promotion

What is the European Network for Mental Health Promotion?

  • The ENMHP is a new network for people interested in mental health promotion.
  • ENMHP has more than 1600 members from Europe and beyond
  • ENMHP membership includes policy makers, practitioners and educators
  • ENMHP aims to influence practitioners, policy makers, professionals and administrators
  • ENMHP aims to become the premier network for mental health promotion
  • Builds on the work of ProMenPol project

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  • Positive Evaluation of the IPS model for the employment of people with mental health difficulties in Ireland
    ENMHP- 22/02/2018
    Mental Health Reform report on a large scale pilot of the IPS (Individual Placement and Support) model for employing people with enduring mental health difficulties that took place between 2015 and 2017. This model provides targeted employment support to clients to prepare them for and to support them in paid employment.
    Results from the project were positive, with 33 out of 95 people obtaining at least some paid employment during the 2 year period of the project.

    These and other findings form the project evaluation show that meaningful paid employment is possible even for people who have not worked for many years once appropriate supports are provided.
  • DG Employment publishes guidelines on mental health at work
    ENMHP- 19/05/2015
    DG Employment has just published guidelines on mental health at work as part of the results of a recent study involving Prevent, Work Research Centre, University of Nottingham, the London School of Economics and TNO. This study examined the case for workplaces doing more to prevent and manage mental health issues of their employees. It examined the current legislative provisions in the area and examined the case for introducing further legislation.

    As part of this work, new guidelines have been developed which integrate occupational health and safety, mental health promotion and absence management approaches to mental health issues. In doing so, they look to extend the field beyond a sole focus on workplace factors and to include mental health issues that arise from outside of the workplace.

    The study has also produced an interpretive note on mental health issues at work. This provides an interpretation of currently existing legislation in the area with a view to pointing to the ways in which it can be used as the basis for wider action on mental health at work.

    The project has also produced a final report which integrates these documents as well as providing a useful summary of current literature and an assessment of potential scenarios for the future.

    The reports from this project can be downloaded from:
  • MENTA50+ Online Serious Games: Learning to take actions for mental fitness and wellbeing in older age
    ENMHP- 24/10/2014
    This online serious games website brings you new teaching and training methods for maintaining mental fitness of people 50 plus based on online games.
  • MENTA50+ Handbook. Learning to take actions for mental fitness and wellbeing in older age. A toolkit for learners and facilitators on mental fitness
    ENMHP- 24/10/2014
    The aim of the MENTA50+ project is to contribute to the mental fitness of an ageing society. This handbook “Learning to take actions for mental fitness and wellbeing in older age” was developed 2013 and 2014 for interested stakeholders who intend to promote mental fitness and mental wellbeing of older people.
    The handbook serves as a theoretical and practical background for various user groups on an individual and organisational level. It will help to deliver activities for older people on mental wellbeing and fitness. The handbook also serves as the background information for a 30 hour health promoting course activity.


  • Young People’s Mental Health in Europe: Promoting Prevention and Early Intervention Through Multi-Sector Cooperation
    ENMHP- 26/04/2016 - 26/04/2016
    With more than half of the mental disorders of young people surfacing before the age of 25, it is essential to provide appropriate support and care at a sufficient early stage. Although the number and quality of the support services offered has considerably increased and improved, the overall share of young people opting to seek help from these channels is struggling to meet the existing offer.

    This timely international symposium provides an invaluable opportunity to evaluate the current state of mental health policies for young people at EU level and to discover best practices in the field of prevention and early intervention. It will address innovative approaches to support young people’s mental health in both family and school settings, while also focusing on the action of health services in the promotion of mental well-being. This symposium will also address the role of new technologies and social media as a double-edged instrument in the hands of children and young adolescents.
  • Improving Young People’s Mental Health in Europe: Transforming Lives, Strengthening Prevention
    ENMHP- 23/06/2015 - 23/06/2015
    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) report on the ‘Health of Young People in Europe’, mental disorders in young people are on the rise with an estimated 10- 20% of young Europeans suffering from mental or behavioural disorders.

    This timely international symposium provides an invaluable opportunity to assess the current state of mental health policies for young people at the European level and to discover best practices in the field of prevention and early intervention. It will address measures to support young people’s mental health in both school and family settings, while also focusing on the action of health services and community environment in the promotion of mental well-being.
  • Fostering Healthy Workplaces for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
    ENMHP- 24/02/2015 - 24/02/2015
    Workplace accidents in the EU claim more than 3 million victims per year and over 4,000 workers die due to serious accidents, according to a report issued by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA). The human suffering, as well as the economic burden of poor occupational safety and health is unacceptably high. Positive workplaces not only increase workers’ health, safety and wellbeing, but also companies' productivity and competitiveness. Studies have shown that for each Euro invested in prevention the return ranges between 1.29 and 2.89 Euros.
  • Women’s Health and Well-being in Europe: Protecting Rights, Preventing Inequalities
    ENMHP-Handbook- 13/05/2014 - 13/05/2014
    According to the World Health Organisation, health represents ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ The Council of Europe has endorsed universality, access to quality care, equity, and solidarity as common values and principles underpinning the health systems of the EU Member States.


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